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Bilal at City Winery

So I'll admit, when my friend first asked me if I was available to play a gig with Bilal, I had no idea who that was. When I told a close friend about it, she freaked out and said she was buying a ticket immediately. Clearly, he's a pretty big deal. More on him here. He and the band that played with him were awesome. Super cool vibe all around.

The string section consisted of 2 violins, 2 violas, and 2 cellos. We only played on two songs, but I wish we got to play on more! The show took place at City Winery, which I never knew was such a huge performance venue. Here's a photo of the set from the sound check:

Even though I come from a classical background, I've been finding myself playing more and more non-classical music and shows, and I've been loving it! I have so much FUN just letting loose and playing to a cheering crowd that's also having a good time. Classical music concerts can feel so serious and stuffy in comparison. I've always dreamed of being a rockstar so... (can I dye my hair purple and get tattoos yet?) ;)

It was an amazing night, the band was so chill to hang out with, AND we got free wine - what more could I have asked for on a Wednesday night?!

You can't see much and the quality isn't great, but here is a groovy snippet from one of the songs I played on:


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